What we’re up to …

On Sunday, CJ, Grace, Christopher and I began a two week driving tour through the Canadian Rockies and on to the cities of Vancouver and Victoria. We will stay in Wyoming and Montana as we make our way into Canada on highway 93, which takes us into the British Columbia side of the mountains. We’ll spend a few days in the town of Invermere, which is a gateway to the Kootenay National Park and the surrounding parks of Yoho, Banff, Glacier and Jasper.

From the mountains, we’ll travel down to Vancouver and spend a few days exploring the area before we go on to Victoria and then the long trip back to Denver.

Our children, now teenagers, are reluctant participants – at least on the surface of things – but we’ve found that if we build in adequate hours of sleep, fun things like mineral hot springs, and the occasional downloaded movie, they are pretty good sports about it.

Of course there are things they are missing from home – friends, hanging out, and the various sports opportunities, but they’ll survive (and their teams will be fine without them).

As we go, I remember the folks at St. Gabriel, and especially those going through physical or emotional challenges. I am also very grateful to Fr. Art, senior warden John Casani, and the entire wonderful staff and vestry at St. Gabriel who are leading the congregation through this summer. And, I remain very grateful to St. Gabriel for allowing us this opportunity to do things we would not ordinarily be able to do.

More as I am able …

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