Wrapping up the trip

Today we wrap up our New York and Boston trip. We will drive down to the Cape for a drop in at the Snyder compound and then make our way to Logan for a late flight home. (Sleep will be a premium since I will turn around and fly to Dulles tomorrow for a three day consultation on the theme of my sabbatical … Encouraging and equipping the saints for ministry through their vocations, sense of call, and work in the world. To see more about this theme, please visit the Washington institute for faith, vocation and culture.)

The trip has been great for us though we’re missing the home and the dogs, and the kids are missing their friends and comforts of home. Staying in a Gordon College dorm has many advantages but it is a college dorm room, still! Nevertheless a good visit for Grace who was able to meet many fine, caring college community members while here.

All for now.

2 responses to “Wrapping up the trip”

  1. Sally Plummer says :

    Have enjoyed your posts very much! Hope you have a safe trip home and then to Dallas. Colo, is under seige: two new fires in Boulder this afternoon.

    Sally P

    • cherryhillparson says :

      Yes, Sally, we are very concerned about Colorado right now, and are praying for relief ….

      I hope to write more substantive pieces, but we seem to be always off doing something! I need a morning in a coffee shop somewhere …. Our plane is delayed and am getting home and turning around to go to Boston tomorrow…. See you soon!

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