A whirlwind, hot day

Record heat in New York over these days. We did walk the World Trade Center and 9-11 site last evening. We’ll go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Cloisters today and then wrap up our stay here with Mama Mia this evening. Then, on the train to Boston early tomorrow.

2 responses to “A whirlwind, hot day”

  1. Bob Leaman says :

    As I am sure you are aware, we are having record heat here also. Completely saps one’s strength! Thinking of you often, miss you, and Killian does, too! But she is doing fine!!!


    • cherryhillparson says :

      Bob, yes, we see the temps daily…. Ugh! Praying for rain … Glad to know all is well and we’re so grateful you are taking care of little Killian. We went to church this morning at Christ church in Hamilton, Ma and now off to Crane’s beach ….

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