A different kind of work

As my family well knows, sitting down to do mental work involves lengthy preparation. Cleaning the house, setting things in order, de-cluttering the mind … all help to squeeze out a thought or two. I’ve been helped today by interacting with three remarkable individuals – Bill Haley, Steven Garber and Jerome Berryman. Bill, Steven and I gained clarity about an upcoming retreat that I’ve been trying to organize the past few months, while Jerome and I sketched out a somewhat rigorous reading ‘curriculum’ that begins this week. A different kind of work, a playful work that allows engagement with the themes of work, vocation and God’s purposes, is now underway. I’m beginning with The Call by Os Guinness to ease into the discipline of reading, to be followed by Responsive Labor by David Jensen.

How grateful for this time to inhabit a rhythm of playful work.


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