Archive | May 2012

Reading for a purpose

With help and encouragement, I’m trying to pick up the pace of reading. While clergy are always reading, our work demands that we often read in short snippets, here and there, catch as catch can. Perhaps that’s why so many of us are on Facebook; we find the reading of posts to be manageable and our status updates can be brief. The scholar pastor ideal that I was expected to emulate as a graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, sitting in classes with Greg Beale and others, hasn’t been honored in my years practicing ordained ministry. That’s why this Sabbatical is a gift to me. I can labor for several hours at a time and the ‘bifurcated’ life-struggles that are so much a part of the day to day are lessened somewhat by going to the Center daily at 9 am and discussing my reading with Jerome, and then moving into a period of ‘scanning’. Jerome is gently encouraging me, however, to do as much as I can now, as the summer will be surprisingly brief. I agree.

A different kind of work

As my family well knows, sitting down to do mental work involves lengthy preparation. Cleaning the house, setting things in order, de-cluttering the mind … all help to squeeze out a thought or two. I’ve been helped today by interacting with three remarkable individuals – Bill Haley, Steven Garber and Jerome Berryman. Bill, Steven and I gained clarity about an upcoming retreat that I’ve been trying to organize the past few months, while Jerome and I sketched out a somewhat rigorous reading ‘curriculum’ that begins this week. A different kind of work, a playful work that allows engagement with the themes of work, vocation and God’s purposes, is now underway. I’m beginning with The Call by Os Guinness to ease into the discipline of reading, to be followed by Responsive Labor by David Jensen.

How grateful for this time to inhabit a rhythm of playful work.


Welcome to the Cherry Hills Parson’s Summer Sabbatical Blog!

Welcome to Cherry Hills Parson’s Blog. Over the course of the summer months, I will post here from time to time, giving updates on our summer sabbatical. I hope you will enjoy this, and remember that we will cherish your prayers, as you are in ours.